
Sonntag, 29. März 2015

Happy Easter

Hallo Ihr Lieben,

ich wünsche Euch einen schönen Sonntag und freue mich, dass Ihr bei mir vorbeischaut.

Ein Osterkärtchen habe ich noch zu zeigen : -)
Der süße Hase ist von Peppercus Design, die Papiere sind von Dovecraft und der Sentiment ist von LOTV.
Coloriert habe ich mit Copics.

Meine Karte passt zu: 
fun with shapes and more                          Ostern
Brown Sugar                                              Easter
Sweet Stampin                                           Easter
Allsorts                                                      Feature a Creature
Cupecake Inspiration                                 Stripes and Dots
QKR Stampede                                          Add a Sentiment
crafts 4 Eternity                                         Easter
613 Avenue Create                                    Anything Goes
Suzy Bee's Bloomin                                  AG with add a Sentiment
As you like it                                             Fav. Lines or no Lines - i love the lines, it makes
                                                                   the image and card complete   

Ich danke Euch fürs Vorbeischauen und die lieben Kommentare. Habt einen schönen Sonnatg und morgen einen guten Start in die neue Woche.

Liebe Grüße

Annett aka Kuni

25 Kommentare:

  1. Hallo Kuni,
    eine sehr schöne Osterkarte ist dir da (wieder) gelungen ;O)) Der Hase hat so einen kessen Gesichtsausdruck, toll coloriert und schön in szene gesetzt.
    Ich wünsch dir einen wunderbaren Sonntag

  2. Kuni this is so super cute! Thanks so much for joining the fun at Sweet Stampin' this week for our Easter challenge. We'd love to see more of your fabulous talent in future challenges. Hugs, Wends x Sweet Stampin' DT

  3. A wonderful Easter card Kuni, such a beautifully coloured image and fabulous design.

  4. beautiful details and colors, such lovely colors...thanks for sharing at cupcake inspirations

    sweetie dt

  5. Hi, Kuni! Your card is fabulous! I love the papers and you have created very interesting layers with the intermingling of the geometric shapes. Very nicely crafted! Thanks for slipping this into our mailbox here at 613 Avenue Create!
    Chana, Owner

  6. Hallo Kuni!
    Toootal schön! Mir gefällt die Farb- und Materialkombi sehr gut!

  7. Lovely card, thank you for showing us at Sweet Stampin'. Debbiex

  8. Such a cute card, love that bunny!!! Thank you for joining us at Cupcake Inspirations, good luck!!! Amy DT Sweetie

  9. Gorgeous hun and ty for joining us over at Suzy Bee's crafty hugs Judith DT xxx

  10. Oh wie süß ist dein Kärtchen geworden da hast du ja einen süßen Osterhasen entdeckt. Und deine Karte perfekt gestaltet, schaut traumhaft schön aus. Liebe grüsse Bettina

  11. I love this card, the image, the colors, the coloring, and embellishments. Thanks for joining us this week at Brown Sugar Challenges. Karal DT

  12. Der Hasi schaut ja mal keck in die Welt, tolle Karte!!
    LG Gundi

  13. wow, such a fab colour combo and such a fab card, love the image as well, lots of hugs, Marion

  14. Anett this is one fab card, I just the colours, image and whole card are full of beauty...loving this..
    xx{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  15. Adorable card Kuni! I love that fun bunny image and your gorgeous papers, fab textures too!
    Hugs, Tammy

  16. A really cute creation, I love it. thanks for joining in the Allsorts challenge, good luck.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  17. GORGEOUS card! Love the image and your coloring is fantastic! Thanks for joining us this week at QKR Stampede Challenge "Add a Sentiment"!

    Brenda DT

  18. Thanks for joining us at Crafts 4 Eternity this week & sharing your Gorgeous Easter card! hugs x

  19. Such a fab card demonstrating perfectly why you love lines!! Brilliant in every way. Thanks so much for coming along to As You Like IT. Sarah :0)

  20. Really cute card, lovely image and beautiful colouring.
    Thank you for sharing at Allsorts.
    Happy Easter;-))m

  21. Such a cute card and beautifully coloured. Just perfect for our 'Easter' challenge this week. Thank you for sharing and joining in with the fun at Sweet Stampin’ this week and good luck. Hugs Janine xx

  22. This is just darling! Love the burlap--adds a very nice texture! So glad you were inspired by Cupcake Inspirations' Stripes and Dots Challenge!
    Hugs, Debbie, DT Sweetie!

  23. How cute is this! So many little details and layers! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Cupcake Inspirations this week! xx Sandi Lee, DT Sweetie!

  24. Such fabulous layers! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Cupcake Inspirations this week! :)

  25. What a cute lay-out, papers and colors...It's so happy and fun to look at. Thanks for linking up with us at 613 Avenue Create. We have a new Challenge going on and I hope you join us again. Hugs and blessings!

    JO ANN


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Annett aka Kuni