
Donnerstag, 20. Juli 2017

season's tweetings

Hallo Ihr Lieben,

na.... eine kleine Abkühlung gefällig : -)
Bei den heißen Temperaturen habe ich heute eine Weihnachtskarte für euch.

Ich musste unbedingt meine neuen Stempel von Winni and Walter einweihen. Der kleine Pinguin hat es mir besonders angetan, hach... der ist einfach zu knuffig.
Die Stanze ist von Lawn Fawn und coloriert habe ich mit Copics.

Meine Karte passt zu:
little red wagon                                  Christmas in July
Aud Sentiments                                  Christmas in July
Sweet Stampin                                   Christmas in July
Send a Smile 4 Kids                          Christmas in July
Deep Ocean                                        Christmas in July 
Cards in Envy                                     Baby Blue or Pretty Pink
Christmas Card Challenge                 Christmas
Cardz 4 Galz                                       Christmas or Winter
4 Crafty Chicks                                   Blue Christmas
Crafty Gals Corner                             Christmas in July

Ich danke euch fürs Vorbeischauen und die lieben Kommentare.

Euere Kuni

17 Kommentare:

  1. oooh so cute, just love your cards with these on....gorgeous..hugs.xx [aNNie]

  2. Such a cut Christmas card Kuni, your little penguin is adorable.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  3. OMGosh this is so cute Kuni, I love that little penguin and his winter hat!
    Hugs, Tammy

  4. Oh how cute! Such a lovely design-that gorgeous little penguin doesn't need his coat while he's wearing that enormous hat! Thank you for joining us at Sweet Stampin' this week.

  5. SO SO SO CUTE! Kuni, this is the sweetest penguin EVER! I love your colors, and the happiness in your card. So glad I got to see your masterpiece showcased at the Cardz 4 Galz Challenge. Thanks for joining in with your lovely artwork. Hope to see more of your pretty creations in our future challenge themes! Please check back to see if you have won a badge. Sending you wishes for a wonderful day!
    {Creative Smiles - my little crafting world}

  6. How cute this is. What a great sentiment. Love the blue.

  7. Cutie penguin and so silly with his toque over his eyes!

  8. Oh how adorable! Love it! Thank you for joining us at Sweet Stampin' this week. Sammy-x

  9. Simply adorable!
    Thanks for sharing your lovely card at Christmas Card Challenges!
    Monica - CCC DT

  10. What a sweet penguin! Cute card! Thanks for joining us at Little Red Wagon.

  11. Such a fun image, love the penguin in the oversized hat.
    Thanks for joining us at Cardz4Galz. :)

  12. Awww such a cute little penguin, going all out to celebrate!!!

    Great to see you joining in our festive challenge at Aud Sentiments,

    Hugz Tinz

  13. Cute card! Thanks for sharing with us at Aud Sentiments Challenges. Hope to see you again soon.
    Hugs, Sandy

  14. This penguin sure is cute!! Its perfect for the Cards in Envy challenge. Thanks so much for joining us.

  15. Great card - thanks for joining us at Cardz 4 Galz.

    Helen x

  16. LOVE this sweet card!!!! so glad you played with Cards In Envy!!!

  17. ohhhh just love this card!! great image!! so glad you played with Cards In Envy!!!


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Annett aka Kuni