
Samstag, 27. Januar 2018

birthday wishes

Hallo Ihr Lieben,

.... hach ... was soll ich sagen, ich bin schon wieder verliebt : -) diesmal in die süßen kleinen Elefanten von Mama Elephant. Die sind aber auch knuffig.
Die Stanzen sind von MFT und coloriert habe ich mit Copics.

Meine Karte passt zu:
City Crafters                                               Balloons
Addicted to Stamps and More                    Anything Goes
Creative inspiration                                    Something New / new stamp 
Little Miss Muffet                                      Anything Goes
Moving Along with the Time                     CAS
QKR Stampede                                          Anything Goes
Crafty Friends                                            Anything Goes
Send a Smile 4 Kids                                   Anything Goes
Cafty Catz                                                   Something New / new stamp
Creative Moments                                       Aynthing Goes

Ich danke euch fürs Vorbeischauen und die lieben Kommentare. Habt ein schönes Wochenende.

Eure Kuni

20 Kommentare:

  1. Such a cute card - I love the clouds. Thanks for joining us this week at Crafty Catz. Lilly (GDT)

  2. Adorable, love the pink fluffy clouds..
    Hugs Babs x

  3. Such a cute card, love the little elle and those clouds are wonderful. Thank you for joining us at City Crafter :)

  4. Adorable. I simply love that you dressed him in that teeny red hat! I'm so glad to have found you through the City Crafter Challenge blog.

  5. Adorable card very sweet. Thanks for joining us at MAWTT. Zoe x

  6. Such an adorable card Kuni, an adorable image and such a fabulous design.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  7. Hi Kuni
    Wonderful cute card.
    Thanks for joining in at MAWTT.
    Best wishes.

  8. I love the colors on your card, Kuni. It's so cute. [Bunny]

  9. Looks fabulous. I like the pink clouds with the elephant's hat and balloons.

  10. So pretty, thanks for joining us at MAWTT. Xxxx

  11. This is so cute and fun Kuni, I love all of the clouds!
    Hugs, Tammy

  12. I just love the cuteness! So adorble!

    We need some designers to join our DT! Maybe you would like it? Check our DT call on our blog.

    Thank you for joining at our challenge at Creative Moments, good luck!
    Looking forward to see you at the next challenge


    DT member at Creative Moments
    Diana's Creations

  13. He is just adorable! LOVE that pink sky! Would never have thought of it but it makes the card! Thanks for joining our weekly challenge at QKR Stampede!

  14. adorable....thanks for sharing your creation with us at CRAFTY CATZ x Carol

  15. Hello Kuni!
    Your art is lovely. I would love to have you stop by and play along in our challenges at Word Art Wednesday. We have great prizes and lots of fun. I hope you will join us!
    Karen Letchworth
    Word Art Wednesday

  16. Love the design of this card. The results are stunning. Thank you for sharing your talents with us over at Crafty Catz. Hugs Nina

  17. Annett, Wow... your cloud work is such a feature. I love the simplicity of the card. It makes the focal points really pop! Good Luck.

    Thanks for playing with us over at CREATIVE MOMENTS

  18. Congrats on being a Spotlight Artist at CCCB.

  19. Hello… Thanks for joining the ‘Anything Goes’ challenge at Crafty Friends with your lovely card.
    Diane Louise
    [Team Leader for Crafty Friends Challenge Blog]


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Vielen lieben Dank für den Kommentar.

Annett aka Kuni