
Mittwoch, 25. April 2018

Halbzeit bei den Sweet Stampers

Hallo Ihr Lieben,

bei der Sweet Stampers Challenge haben wir Halbzeit. Ihr könnt uns euer Werk zum Thema Too Cute noch bis zum 8. Mai zeigen.
Ich habe für mein Inspirationskärtchen meine neuen süßen Pandas von ClearlyBesotted eingeweiht. Diesmal habe ich nur gestempelt und nicht coloriert.

Meine Karte passt zu:
CAS on Friday                                             Black, White and Pink
Always Fun                                                  CAS
Papercraft Challenge                                    CAS
Crafty Sentiment                                          Anything Goes
Addisted to Stamps and More                      CAS
Crafty Gals Corner                                       Anything Goes
Tuesday Throwdown                                    Anything Goes
QKR Stampede                                             Anything Goes
Lemon Shortbread                                        Anything Goes
Crafty Creation                                             Anything Goes

Ich danke euch fürs Vorbeischauen und die lieben Kommentare.

Eure Kuni

12 Kommentare:

  1. Oh, how totally sweet and adorable! Love the image! Thanks for joining our weekly challenge at QKR Stampede!

  2. Aaaaahw. This is so adorable.
    Thank you for sharing your lovely card at our challenge. I hope you will join us again next time.

    -xiss- Renate.
    (DT Papercraft Challenges)

  3. Gorgeously cute card, love how you left the stamp uncoloured.xx♥
    [aussie aNNie Blog]

  4. This is so cute Kuni and I love the pink bamboo!
    Hugs, Tammy

  5. So cute! I like the framing of the pink bamboo! Thanks for joining the QKR Stampede challenge this week.
    Dorothy S, DT member

  6. I love this darling card with those cute pandas. Thanks so much for joining us this time at the Crafty Creations Challenge, Elizabeth (DT)

  7. OMG!!! How adorable this is. Those pandas are absolutely cute. Love the CAS background too. Thank you for sharing your card with ATSM!

  8. very cute pandas -thanks for joining us at Lemon Shortbread!

  9. Great card! Thanks for joining us at Crafty Sentiments this week!
    Anna Dt

  10. Eine wirklich bezauberne CAS-Karte ;o) Vielen Dank, dass du deine tolle Kreation mit uns bei Papercraft-Challenges geteilt hast! Hab eine wunderschöne Woche und happy crafting, Maike ;o)


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Annett aka Kuni