
Sonntag, 24. Juni 2018

kleiner Panda

Hallo Ihr Lieben,

ich wünsche euch einen schönen Sonntag. Das Wetter lässt leider zu wünschen übrig - kalt und
Regen - aber wir Bastler wissen auch damit was anzufangen : -) oder ?
Heute habe ich eine Karte mit den Süßen Panda von ClearlyBesotted zum zeigen. Stanzen und Papier sind von MFT und coloriert habe ich diesmal garn nicht : -).

Meine Karte passt zu:
Fab'n Funky                                           Monochrom
Sisterhood of Crafters                            Animal Crackers
Aud Sentiments                                     Anything Goes
QKR Stampede                                      Anything Goes
Morgan's Art World                              Anything Goes
Just Add Ink                                          Frame

Ich danke euch fürs Vorbeischauen und die lieben Kommentare. Habt einen schönen Sonntag.

Eure Kuni

16 Kommentare:

  1. Such a sweet creation! Thanks so much for joining us at The Sisterhood’s ‘Animal Crackers’ challenge and please come back again soon!
    one of the 'Sistahs'
    The Sisterhood of Crafters
    DAR’S CRAFTY CREATIONS Please come for a visit!

  2. Hallo Kuni,
    Ganz schöne Karte hast du gemacht!
    Ich liebe Panda's.
    Vielen Dank für deinen tip auf meinen blog. Ich habe meine Karte gelinked :)
    Wünsche dir einen schönen Sunntag, liebes Crealientje.

  3. Oh, how adorable! What a sweet image & love the gingham behind him! Great CAS style card! Thanks for joining our weekly challenge at QKR Stampede!

  4. A fabulous card Kuni, such a sweet Panda.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  5. Sweet card. Thank you so much for joining us at Fab'n'Funky. Pat K xx

  6. Oh my this is cute and gorgeous all in one. I love your design and colours. Lovely work. Thank you for sharing with us over here at Morgan's Artworld Challenge, best of luck with your entry.

    Annette DT for<br

  7. LOVE your adorable card! Thank you for joining our challenge at The Sisterhood!
    Diane TSH DT {Nellies Nest}

  8. What a sweet Panda Kuni, love the layout!
    Hugs, Tammy

  9. Adorable creation! Thank you for sharing with us over at Morgan's ArtWorld. We hope to see you again.
    ~ DT Sherry x

  10. Ohhhh very cute little card - I think the layout, paper and images you have used all go well together, makes a nice modern retro feeling card. Chantell Just Add Ink

  11. This is so cute- thank you for playing along at Fab'n'Funky this week hugs Judith xx

  12. Very cute Kuni! Your sweet little panda looks right at home on the banner frame. Thanks for sharing at Just Add Ink.

  13. The panda is so cute - and I like the way you finished the white frame. We are glad to see you at the QKR Stampede Anything Goes challenge this week. Dorothy S, DT member

  14. Darling little panda So glad you joined us at Morgan's ArtWorld this month.

  15. Gorgeous card Kuni xx
    Thank you for sharing with us over here at Morgan's Artworld Open Challenge and best of luck with your entry. Love to see you join in each month. Thank you.
    Dianne DT for


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Annett aka Kuni