
Sonntag, 15. Dezember 2019

Halbzeit bei den Animal Friends

Mit meinem heutigen Kärtchen möchte ich euch an die laufende Challenge bei den Animal Friends mit dem Thema Vögel erinnern.
Meine kleine Eule hat jedenfalls viel Spaß beim rodeln :-) Coloriert habe ich mit Copics.

Meine Karte passt zu:
Aud Sentiments                             Christmas/Winter
Through the Purple Haze               Let is Snow
QKR Stampede                              Anything Goes
Crafty Catz                                     Anything Goes
Alphabet Challenge                        S for Snow
Crafty Friends                                Winter Colours
The Creative Crafters                     Anything Goes
Pattie's Creations Design               Animals

Ich danke euch fürs vorbeischauen und die lieben Kommentare. Habt einen schönen 3. Advent.

Eure Kuni

11 Kommentare:

  1. Gorgeous card Kuni, I love that adorable owl!
    Hugs, Tammy

  2. This is just gorgeous, Thanks for sharing with us at Aud Sentiments.

  3. This is just totally adorable! Love the image and your design is awesome! Thanks for joining our weekly challenge at QKR Stampede!

  4. Totally cute! Thanks for sharing this gorgeous card at Crafty Catz this week.

  5. You can almost feel the action in this card! It's so much fun and perfect for our challenge! I hope to see you next for a new challenge!
    Hugs, Joy
    Joyfully Stamps
    Patties Creations Design Challenge

  6. He's an adorable owl. I'd like to be sledding with him. It's a cute card. [Bunny]

  7. So sweet love this stamp and gorgeous card.x

  8. Adorable card! Thanks for joining us at the QKR Stampede Challenge this week. DT Kathy []

  9. Hello… Your card is lovely… Thanks for sharing it with us at Crafty Friends. Hope you will come back again soon.
    Diane Louise [Team Leader]

  10. Cute Image! This goes perfect with our current challenge “Animals or Bears” at Patties Creations Design Challenge. Thanks for joining us…
    Artist and Owner


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Annett aka Kuni