
Sonntag, 17. Mai 2020

Funny Farm

Auch dieses süße Küken aus dem Set "Fanny Farm" von Tracey Hey hat es jetzt auf eine Karte geschafft :-) Die wunderschönen Papiere sind ebenfalls von Tracey Hey und coloriert habe ich mit Copics.

Meine Karte passt zu:
Perfectly CAS                                              Animals
AAA Cards                                                   op to one Third
Creatalicious Challenge                               Anything Goes
Crafty Animals                                             Anything Goes
QKR Stampede                                            Anything Goes
Crafty Catz                                                   Anything Goes

Ich danke euch fürs vorbeischauen und die lieben Kommentare.

Eure Kuni  

12 Kommentare:

  1. Cute little image and love the CAS style of your card, thanks for joining us at Crafty Catz this week x

  2. So cute Kuni, love the torn edges!
    Hugs, Tammy

  3. Sweet card with the touch of vellum.x

  4. Awww, adorable! Loving the grey and yellow colour combination. Thanks for playing at AAA Cards, hope to see you join in with future challenges too. Stay safe and keep crafting!

  5. So Cute. Thank for playing along with us at Crafty Animals. Lisa DT

  6. Super sweet & adorable little card!
    Thanks for joining the challenge this week at QKR Stampede!
    Good Luck
    Crafty Hugs
    Dawn xx

  7. Super adorable card! Thank you for playing at AAA Cards!

  8. What a lovely clean and simple card. Beautiful wee image too! Thank you for joining us at Creatalicious Challenges.

  9. This is so cute! Love the way you used the torn paper for the design! Thank you for joining us at AAA Cards. Hugs ~ Ishani.

  10. So super cute! I love your use of torn papers for the background. Thanks for joining us at Perfectly CAS.

    sue n.


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Annett aka Kuni