
Freitag, 10. Juli 2020

Sweet Stampers Challenge*Christmas in July

Heute startet bei den Sweet Stampers wieder eine neue Challenge und unserer Thema lautet
Christmas in July.
Ich habe für mein Inspirationskärtchen dieses süße Rentier von MFT verwendet. Die Papiere sind von Kaisercraff und coloriert haeb ich mit Copics.

Meine Karte passt zu:
The Holly and Ivy Christmas                 Anything Goes
Krafty Chicks                                         Christmas
Aud Sentiments                                       Christmas in July
Die Cut Divas                                          Christmas in July
Merry Little Christmas                            Anything Goes
SheepSki Designs                                    Christmas in July
Digi Doodle Studios                                Christmas in July
ABC Christmas Challenge                      o for Over the Top
Christmas Kickstart                                 Hatty Christmas
Shopping Our Stash                                 Christmas in July
Ike's world Challenge                              S fpe show us your Xmas
Christmas Craft Creation                         Christmas Characters

Ich danke euch fürs vorbeischauen und die lieben Kommentare.

Eure Kuni

20 Kommentare:

  1. A sweet Christmas card Kuni, love the background papers too.
    Have a lovely weekend. ♥

  2. A fabulous Christmas card Kuni, such a cute image and great background papers.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  3. Cute card. Love the trees. I wish I had that die. The paper you used is cute, too. Of course, Rudolph is the star of the show. [Bunny]

  4. Super cute reindeer and I love all your coloring and details!! He looks great among the trees too!!

  5. A very cute reindeer. Lovely. Thanks for joining Aud Sentiments challenge. Elaine

  6. This card is so incredibly cute!! I love it! Thanks so much for playing along with the Digi Doodle Studios Christmas In July Theme Challenge!

  7. That little deer is so adorable, love the color combination. In order to be eligible for the prize or top three, you should include the Christmas Craft Creations graphic in your post. Thanks for joining us!

  8. Adorable card Kuni, such a sweet image!
    Hugs, Tammy

  9. Such a cute image, and a really lovely design! Please note that to be eligible for the prize, or to be our winner or honourable mention, you should include our challenge graphic in your blog post. Thank you for joining us at Christmas Craft Creations - Charlotte/Lady Joyful, DT

  10. Fabulous card, love the cute reindeer!
    Thank you for playing over at IKE's World Challenges! DT Val x

  11. Awesome card!
    Love the reindeer background and the super cute Rudolph!
    Thanks for celebrating Christmas in July with the crew from SHOPPING OUR STASH!!

  12. Great card design with the torn panel and I think that reindeer is so darn cute. So glad you joined us at Die Cut Divas for our "Christmas in July" challenge at Die Cut Divas.

  13. Such a cute reindeer and fab background scene, lovely card. Thanks so much for joining us for the Aud Sentiments Challenge. I'm sorry it's taken me a while to comment, I hope we will see you again in the new challenge.
    Jenny Ginger Ninja Crafts xx

  14. Adorable card. Thanks for joining the fun at the Christmas Kickstart challenge. Hugz

  15. Kuni, this is so cute! I love the design! Thanks so much for joining our Christmas in July challenge at SheepSki Designs. Julie, DT member

  16. That Reindeer is super cute! I love the simple and effective card. thank you for joining us at Digi Doodle Studio this month.

  17. I love all the reindeer in the background and the cutie in front! Thank you for joining us at Digi Doodle Studio Christmas in July! -DT Meghan Kennihan

  18. Fantastic little reindeer! I love your card! This really made me smile! Thanks for playing with us at Ike's World Challenges in July! Nan, DT


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Vielen lieben Dank für den Kommentar.

Annett aka Kuni