
Samstag, 20. März 2021

Warm & Fuzzy Winter Wishes :- )

Ja... was soll ich sagen, ich habe heute zum Frühlingsanfang doch tatsächlich eine Winterkarte für euch.
Aber zu dem heutigen Wintereinbruch bei uns passt sie einfach besser :-)
Die süßen Füchse sind von Hello Bluebird und coloriert habe ich mit Copics.

Meine Karte passt zu:
Inkspirational                                    Fur or Feathers
Krafty Chicks                                    CAS
Addicted to Stamps and More           Make your Mark
little red wagon                                  One Layer
The Crafters Cafe                              Seasons
Digi Doddle Studio                            Somthing beginning with F - Fox

Ich danke euch fürs vorbeischauen und die lieben Kommentare.

Eure Kuni

10 Kommentare:

  1. Awww this is so cute Kuni, I love the fun winter scene you created!
    Hugs, Tammy

  2. Cute card. Thanks for entering your wonderful creation in our Seasons Challenge at The Crafter's Cafe this fortnight.

  3. I can taste that snowflake now. Cute card,Kuni. [Bunny]

  4. What a great foxy , frosty scene you've created. Thanks for joining in at Inkspirational Challenges.

  5. Your card is so sweet. The foxes are coloured beautifully and I love the snowflakes in the background. Thanks for joining us at Digi Doodle Studios. Good luck with your entry! Patsy DT

  6. Great card and background-love the cute foxes
    Carol x

  7. Super süß und tolle Coloration. Thanks for joining us and i hope to see you back again soon.


  8. Those foxes are cute. Love the cheeky one! Great CAS design and the aqua colour looks great together with the orange foxes. Thank you for playing along with us at DIGI DOODLE STUDIOS challenge. Best of luck! Hope to see you back with us soon again. Nick

  9. This card just makes me smile. Great scene and your coloring rocks!
    Thanks for joining us at Digi doodle Studios
    Julie T

  10. Your background is perfect for these foxes playing in the snow. I love the fox trying to catch snowflakes on its tongue. Love how you added color to the foxes. Thanks for joining us at Addicted to Stamps and More!

    sue n.


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Annett aka Kuni