
Dienstag, 27. April 2021

Big Hugs


Heute wieder ein Kärtchen mit süßen Stempeln von Creative Depot.
Coloriert habe ich mit Copics.

Meine Karte passt zu:
Pammie's Inky Pinkies                      Anything Goes
Crafting Happiness                           Anything Goes
Cup Cake                                          Pastell Colors
Crafty Sentiments                              Anything Goes

Ich danke euch fürs vorbeischauen und die lieben Kommentare.

Eure Kuni

9 Kommentare:

  1. A sweet card. I like the little animals. [Bunny]

  2. Wonderful card, I just love this and suited for any occasion. xxx

  3. This is just darling. I love your cards. Thanks for joining the fun at Crafting Happiness Challenges. Hope to see more of your projects linked up.
    :) Janis, Owner & Design Team

  4. What a sweet and adorable card Kuni! Lovely use of pastels on your stenciled background!!
    Thank you for playing along with us over at Cupcake Inspirations! Hugs

  5. Awww this is so cute Kuni, I love that sweet image and the beautiful CAS design!
    Hugs, Tammy

  6. Such an adorable card, love all the sweet details. Thank you for playing along with us over at Cupcake Inspirations - Kanan DT

  7. Such a cute card Kuni, absolutely adorable.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob


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Vielen lieben Dank für den Kommentar.

Annett aka Kuni