Montag, 25. Juni 2018

Halbzeit bei den Sweet Stampers

Hallo Ihr Lieben,

heute möchte ich euch an die laufende Challenge bei den Sweet Stampers erinnern. Unser Thema lautet Animals und ihr habt noch bis zum 8. Juli Zeit, uns euer Werk zu zeigen.
Ich habe für mein Inspirationskärtchen die süßen Tierchen von Every Elle eingeweiht. Stanzen und Papier sind von MFT und coloriert habe ich mit Copics.

Meine Karte passt zu:
Little Miss Muffet                                  Anything Goes
Morgan's ArtWorld                                Anything Goes
The Crafters Cafe                                   for a Child
Crafty Gals Corner                                 Anything Goes
Seize the Birthday                                  Anything Goes
Scrapping 4fun                                       Birthday with Bling

Ich danke euch fürs vorbeischauen und die lieben Kommentare.

Eure Kuni

16 Kommentare:

  1. Adorable birthday card Kuni, I love that fun image!
    Hugs, Tammy

  2. BEAUTIFUL card, Kuni!!!!!!!! Kisses, my friend.

  3. A gorgeous card Kuni, couldn't get any cuter than this.x

  4. Another gorgeous card, love the coloring.
    Thank you for playing along with us this time at Scrapping4fun.
    Majda DT

  5. Oh this is so cute and adorable. Lovely colours and design. Nice work.
    Thank you for sharing with us over here at Morgan's Artworld Challenge, best of luck with your entry.

    Annette DT for<br

  6. A fun card Kuni, such a lovely stamp.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  7. Kuni, Adorable image with a great gingham background! Thanks for playing along with Seize the Birthday!

  8. Very sweet and darling card. So glad you joined us at Morgan's ArtWorld this month.

  9. Fun card for a child. Thank you for entering your wonderful creation at The Crafter's Cafe this fortnight for our "For a child" challenge.

  10. A sweet card.
    Thank you for playing with us at Scrapping4fun challenges.

  11. How cute! I really like the soft coloring of this image. Thank you for entering the current challenge at The Crafter's Cafe - good luck1
    Dorothy S, DT member

  12. Lovely and fun birthday card!Thank you for sharing with us at the Crafty Gals Corner!Hope you join us again soon!
    Kleri DT (My blog)

  13. Oh my god super cute card. Wish you all the best and i thank you for joining the challenge at The Crafters Café.

  14. This is so sweet, love those faces.
    Thank you for your lovely entry at Scrapping4funChallenges.
    Rachelle DT

  15. super cute card ..
    Thanks so much for your amazing entry at Scrapping4funchallenges.
    Hope to see you again soon ...

    Good luck ...
    Dr Monika Tripathi Shukla
    DT - Scrapping4funchallenges

  16. So cute !!!Love it ... thank you for playing with us at Scrapping4fun challenge.Dt Vidhi Jadeja


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Vielen lieben Dank für den Kommentar.

Annett aka Kuni

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